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Peru Finca Tasta Natural Process

Product image 1Peru Finca Tasta Natural Process
Product image 2Peru Finca Tasta Natural Process

Regular price $23.00

Next Roast: March 5th

Orange blossom, dried apricot, cantaloupe, pear, golden raisin. Silky, polished, graceful fruit layers


This coffee comes to you by way of Edith and Ivan Meza Sagarvinaga. Having taken over for their late mother, these siblings have been crafting coffee on their farm, Finca Tasta for about 10 years. Our relationship with them started in 2017 when Caffe Fantastico’s Taylor family met with Edith in Peru, and were warmly hosted in the capital of Lima. It was Edith and Ivan’s enthusiasm, and forward-thinking approach to coffee production that led to what has become a perennial highlight. 

Since then we have been able to work directly with Finca Tasta, further building upon this relationship through dialogue and numerous meetings in person.  In 2019 we were privileged to host Edith at our roastery here in Victoria where she shared stories about her experience as a coffee producer.  

Finca Tasta is made up 56 acres, of which 19 are cultivated with coffee, and 22 remain as natural preserved forest. The farm started out producing washed process coffee, but now produces a variety of methods including honey, anaerobic fermentation and natural process. 

We are delighted to be able to offer this extremely rare coffee as a part their nano lot reserve collection. It is a natural process coffee consisting of a blend of Arabica varieties Caturra and Pacamara. Once the fully ripe cherries are picked they are carefully dried on meshed drying tables for 18 days until the ideal moisture content is achieved. From here they are milled, sorted by size and then bagged.

During the entire coffee production cycle, 140 liters of water are used. By carrying out innovative post-harvest processes, water consumption is reduced, resulting in a saving of 8 liters of water for each cup of coffee that is prepared. 

Within their community they own their own café and roastery, and also organize and facilitate education around specialty coffee for more than 100 coffee producers in the area. Edith is also an active member of the International Women’s Coffee Alliance, and has set up outreach events locally to engage residents in and around the region with specialty coffee.

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