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Sumatra Nusantara - 2024 Harvest

Regular price $21.00

Bright and juicy tropical nature, and a rich and sweet mouthfeel.


This coffee comes from the Kayu Aro highlands in Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province, situated in the middle of the island of Sumatra. It is home to around 680 farmers that grow coffee as part of Agrotropik Nusantara Cooperative.

Sumatran coffees have long been known for their distinct characteristics, in part contributed by the island’s local climate and varieties grown, but primarily due to a post-harvest processing style called Wet-Hulling, or locally known as Giling Basah.

Come harvest time, fresh-picked cherry is fed through a small pulping machine that removes the skin of the fruit. The sticky, wet coffee, still in parchment, is placed in sealed bags or containers to ferment usually overnight and then dried for about 2-3  hours reducing the moisture to about 40%. These first steps are done on the farm and largely contribute to the intrigue and somewhat earthen qualities of Sumatran coffees.

Shortly after the overnight fermentation, the still moist and soft coffee is brought to the Cooperative mill to be wet hulled to remove the remaining parchment, when finally it is dried to an exportable and relatively stable moisture content of about 12%.

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